Unofficial God Awful Movies Wiki

The Devil Within Her (also known as I Don't Want to Be Born) is the story of a woman suffering from terrible postpartum depression so badly that she is convinced that her baby is possessed by the devil, and spoiler alert: she will be so convincing that everyone around her—including the baby—will agree with her.

Type: Supernatural[]

Opening Phrase[]

Where each week we watch another terrible movie, so you don't have to.

How Bad Was It?[]

Well, if you love those movies about spoooky possessed kids, but you've never met or seen a baby live, you will love this movie.

Best Worst[]

  • Heath: ...parking!
  • Anna: reaction.
  • Eli:


  • Check out Anna's website and her album The Ring on CD Baby, Google Play, iTunes and the various streaming platforms.
  • The baby is not possessed by the devil, it is possessed by a little person who used to work with the mother.
  • The sister-nun asks the husband when the last time he prayed was, so this totally counts as a Christian movie and isn't just what happens when Noah is gone.


  • "When they show Hercules—so far the music in this whole movie has been smooth jazz and porn soundtrack stuff, which is strange for a horror movie, but whatever—and as soon as they show Hercules leaving the club and walking around they have like legit have someone just doing the mouth harp. It's just like 'DOING DOING DOING DOING DOING.' I was surprised they didn't have like someone with a tuba following him the entire time, 'cause this movie is like crazy degrading to people with dwarfism. They're like 'Is this comic relief, or is it terrifying? Yes.' *laughter*" (53:40)


  • "It's Frank from America! He's gonna make our movie script, he is." (6:39)
  • "I'm Michael Marshall's mum." (1:01:38)


  • Crazy Billionaire Money
  • Disappointing Christian Celebrity
  • Make Me a Sammich!
  • Name That Movie!

