Unofficial God Awful Movies Wiki

The Lock In carves out its very own genre between found footage horror and "Justin forgot to turn the camera off." It's the story of demon possessed porno magazine, and there's no need for a coordinating conjunction there, because it's about a demon possessed porno magazine.

Type: Supernatural

Opening Phrase

Where each week we sample another selection from Christian cinema in an effort to make the concept of mortality a little more appealing.

How Bad Was It?

You know how you always thought the acting in The Blair Witch Project was too good? Well, then strap on in, because you if ever thought "Man, all this great acting in The Blair Witch Project is distracting me from a shaking camera, then The Lock In is the movie for you. And if you ever thought, "Hey, you know what? I like The Blair Witch Project, but a demon witch who hunts down teenagers in the woods is too realistic", well good for you, because The Lock In has an ever less likely monster to chase teenagers around.

Best Worst

"Not only is this, in my opinion, the worst thing we ever watched, but this may be the single worst thing that ever happened. To express the misery of this film, you can't compare to other movies, you have to compare it to, like, cancer and the credit report dot com jingles. It's too bad to compare to other films." -- Noah Lugeons.


  • The Blair Witch Project style "real" found footage.


  • Brian the Loser Demon (49:00)
  • Interrupted Hot Tub Hallway Shot (1:35:35)


  • Harry Palm's Pornography Emporium (5:29)
  • Nick's Mom in Film History (1:07:49)
  • Satan's Porno Mag Plan (1:09:35)


  • Addicted to Porn

